Monday, February 27, 2012

Cause I'm stronger! (and TMI)

I'm so bad at keeping this blog up to date. So I'm not sure if I'm just re-writing stuff, or if it's all brand new. I just hop over here when I get bored.

So, lately, when I do a long run, (a long run is more than 5 miles for me) I get EXTREMELY sick afterwards. I mean, not puking sick, but, the other end.. Its awful! I ran 6 the other day and spent the next 5 hours on the toilet. I even had chills. I tried Googling it, and it came up as, "Runner's Diarrhea"  Gross, right?! From what I read, it's from being dehydrated. Which I find crazy, because, if you know me, you know that I don't go anywhere without my water bottle. And I fill that baby up at least 3-4 times a day. So I haven't ran more than 4 since. Mainly because I don't want to spend he rest of my day sick.

So I'm kind of working back into it. I'll do my classes, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Last Friday I did Tabata for an hour and felt so good that I went for a 4 mile run afterwards. I got home and got sick once. Today, I did an hour of TAC class and then went and ran 2 miles. No sickness.

Obviously, I'm not just going right out and running 6 miles, but I'm thinking that maybe doing non running thing first and then run, it'll help? We'll see.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Look what we found!(this was supposed to go in my other Blog. Oh well.)

Meet, "Dexter" He is a German Shepherd. We found him on the side of the road few weeks ago! I can't believe that someone would just toss this puppy.
We picked him up on our way to get a baby shower gift from Babies R Us. It was raining, and my Husband was driving with my Mother in Law and the kiddo's in the back seat. That day, we decided to take the back way to avoid the traffic. He was just sitting next to the road, so we pulled over. My Mother in Law got out and went and knocked on the door to the house that he was sitting in front of. When the guy came out to answer, he told her that the puppy had just showed up a few weeks ago and that he's been feeding him since. The guy actually asked my Mother in Law if she wanted to keep him, and being the crazy animal lover that she is, said yes. So, with my Husband shaking his head and saying, "no, no, no" over and over again, she got back into the car with the pup.

Aaron was NOT a happy camper. But I felt like it was destiny! I had been having puppy fever,(especially German Shepherd) ever since my Father took us to watch the K9 Sheriff dogs practice when we were back home. And all the sudden, this puppy, a German Shepherd, just shows up?! FATE!

We brought him home, and I gave him a bath. I immediately checked on Craigslist and Lejeune Yardsales to see if anyone was missing this adorable little pup. Nothing. So I made an appointment at the vet to see if he was micro chipped. Turns out, he wasn't. So, we micro chipped him, and he officially became, "ours"

We're all pretty happy with him. Gunner isn't very amused, because Dex likes to nip at him all the time. But he's still just a puppy, and I know he'll grow out of it.

Here is the most recent picture of him, (taken today)
He's getting BIG! Look at his ears standing up already! The vet said he was between 10-12 weeks old, So I'm putting his Birthday at sometime in November.
I'm excited to see what kind of a dog he'll grow up to be. I'm thinking about putting him in training so he can learn to protect us. That's especially important to me with the Husbands deployment schedule. We'll see!

Befores and afters anyone?

Okay, so I've been working out on and off since 2009. What really got me started was running. Before I started running, I weighed in at 180lbs. Yep, me. I did. I had just had Benjamin, (now almost 4 years old) and was disgusted that I let myself get so out of shape.

The first time I ran, it was on the treadmill at the gym in Quantico. I ran 1 mile, and it took me 14 minutes. I didn't stop once. It's never take me that long to run a single mile. That's when I knew I had a lot of work to do.

From that moment on, I dedicated myself to lose the weight. I would run every night. Eventually working up to 3 miles with out stopping. I did my first 5k in May of 2009 and came in just under the 30 minute mark. After that, I knew I was hooked. I did several more 5k's after that, and in 2011, I got up enough courage to run a 10k. I ran the whole thing without stopping, coming in just over an hour. After that I ran an 8k, and,if you're a normal reader of my Blog, you'll know that I had an injury. I fractured my left foot while running in my Vibram Five Fingers.

2011 was supposed to be my half marathon year, and I totally blew it. I was out from June until the end of September with a big black boot. I never did get back to the doctors to see if it had healed correctly. Mainly because my Husband came home from Afghanistan at the end of September.

I started running again, I did a Warrior Dash on October 1st 2011 with my Husband in Virginia. After that, I did a 5k for Breast Cancer, and another 5k in November. After every race, it would result with a sore foot.

Anyway, I'm totally losing track of why I started this post.

I have managed to lose all of the weight that I put on with my Benjamin pregnancy. I'm at a healthy, normal weight of 129.6. I'm happy with that. I'm toned and I'm stronger. I'm happy with the way my body looks, (if i could just grow some bigger boobs!) and that's a rare thing to hear me say.

I'm so happy with my body, mainly because I have been working out every other day consistently, (EVEN over Christmas vacation) since October 29th 2011.

Here are my results  so far: (and these are just of my stomach, because I've been trying to get abs.) some of you might not even see a difference, but I can tell.
I'm sorry about not being consistent with the camera distance. The first 3, I had my husband take, the last two are obviously me in the mirror.
So the very 1st picture, I weighed in at 129.6. I weighed in EXACTLY the same in the very last picture, which was taken on Monday.

So there it is. 3 months worth.

Oh, I went back to add these.. cause you can see my "cut" (or what I like to think of as a cut) in these.

I feel like every picture fluctuates. Some I think I can see some muscle, others, I see bloating. Guess it depends on what Ive eaten?