Sunday, January 1, 2012

I'm here!!


So my foot is probably still in it's healing process. I say that because I know that it hasn't completely healed. I still run on it and I still exercise and when I do, it hurts. (which makes me think I reinjure it)But not enough to make me go back to the doctor. I'm so afraid that they'll stick me in another cast and all of the hard work and training I've been doing will be ruined. Yes, I know, it's stupid and I'll just end up injuring myself more. But, I'm selfish, and I don't care. :)

Hubby and I did the Warrior Dash in Virgina in October. I HATED it! Well, I hated it while I was running it, but afterwards, it was all totally worth it. In fact, it was so much fun that we've signed up for two more! I have one in August and another in September.

So I did the Warrior Dash in October and a Breast Cancer 5k the same month and a Turkey Trot in November. As of December, I've been taking classes 2-3 days a week at the gym and toning up. The closest thing to a race that I've done in December was my 5.7 miles I ran on Friday and a pace of 10 minutes a mile. I know, I know.. that's slow.. but I don't care. I enjoy my run way more at a slower pace.

Speaking of that run. It was one of the best runs I've had since I stopped running in my Vibrams. I haven't felt that much in tune with my body and my breathing in a long time. It's so nice to just go out there with no plan. Just go out there and run. Run until you feel like stopping. No watch, no music.. just you and the road. Those are the best kind.

As for whats next, I REALLY want to add a half marathon to my list of races. I've been saying this since 2009 and every year something prevents me from doing one. 2011 was supposed to be that year. 7 miles was the farthest I had ever ran in my life. I ran the 10k and the next step was the half.. and then I broke my foot. So hopefully, 2012 will be the year I can cross, "Run a half marathon" off of my to do list..

Like I've mentioned above. I have two Warrior Dashes with a possible 3rd in the works lined up so far. I'm  hoping to be able to add a few 5k's, 8k's and 10k's in the mix as well. But also, I'd really like to focus on cross training and building up different muscles while training for these runs..

That's that.

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