Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I was thinking the other day that I totally said that I wanted to do a race each month for a year. HA! Where was I thinking I would find the time? The last race I did was when we were still in NY. That was April. I havent done much of anything since then. I few runs here and there when I'm feeling pudgy, but nothing like a race.

Anyway, I joined the gym on base. I think I wrote about how it was free to go but if you had kids, you had to pay. I was a little upset about that cause you didn't have to pay at Quantico. You just voulnteered your time.

But, I got the punch card and this is day 3 of going. I'm loving it! The boys, not so much.. You would think they'f have a great time interacting with other kids their age and being in a place with a million toys.. but they don't. I guess thats what I get for not being more social with them. All they've known is Mommy and as soon as you take Mommy out of their sight and leave them with no one they reconize, they freeaak.

The first day, Benji was nuts. They called my name over the loud speaker when I only had about 25 minutes on the treadmill to come in and comfort him. They said it as just a precaution and that I could leave him if I wanted.. but I took him because he was hysterical and they said he was biting and kicking and I hate to be that Mom that says, "oh well.. it's your job to deal with him" So the first day was a bust.

Yesterday was about the same. I was supposed to meet my friend, Erica there but her phone broke, there for her alarm didn't go off and she didn't end up making it til 9:30 when I was just finishing.

As far as the boys, Ben screamed the whole time again. I went to check him once and take him potty. He didn't go. he just sat there. They said Noah cried a little bit but was fine after a few minutes. I stayed an hour or so and left..

Today it seemed MUCH better. Erica came with her two boys. Noah and Ben know her kids so I think it's a bit easier for them. Noah didn't cry at all. Ben was crying in the beginning and then I checked on him about a half hour into it and he was playing.. it kind of went back and forth like that all day. We were there for an hour and a half.. got a nice workout in..

I'm loving having a gym partner,(thank you Erica!) she's so motivated, too.. I love it. Keeps me motivated.

I've decided not to focus on running as much. Lets face it, I'm not exactly built to run. I enjoy it still but, there are SO Many different things to do at the gym that work SO many different body parts, why waste a half hour on a treadmill? Its okay every once in a while.. but I'm determined to learn all of the machines in that gym..

1 comment:

  1. Which gym on base are you going to??? Once I'm down there, I want to join and perhaps actually get in shape for once!!!
