Friday, January 29, 2010

Oh my gosh, I'm lame

I'm in New York until May. As you may know, New York is freezing in the winter. There for, I have paid for a gym membership. Now, I'm from a po-dunk town and the nearest gym is about a half hour away (which blows) So I go to this gym the other day to get a membership, (This is the only gym I am aware of by the way) and pay $30.. okay so, that's not bad at all. So, I get the membership and leave (because I had already put my make up on and was in the middle of running errands) So the next day, I get there and try to find the nearest treadmill. I go over to the treadmill section and I canno't believe what I see. These treadmills are seriously from 1982.. I swear! I almost died. But, a treadmill is a treadmill, right? So I run on it and a slow pace, (I guess you could call it a jog) for 3 miles. I swear that I felt like I was going to fall through the damn thing it was so cheaply made. It was awful. And here it is, two days later, and I am sore as hell.. - no real point to that story.. just that te equipment is SO old.

After the 3 miles on the treadmill, I walked over to the bike.  I sat down and decided to do 20minutes on the the random hills option. So I'm pedaling along and my foot gets caught between the pedal an dthe actual bike and I almost rip my ankle off! What the hell?! It turns out that this equipment is SO old, that the foot straps dont tighten anymore, causing your foot to slip out almost every time you go around..

Anyway, the point is, this place is lame and I feel like a spoiled brat because the gym on base was awesome. All the equipment was brand new and it was FREE. It makes is so I don't want to go back. And I haven't been back, since.. I know, that's lame.. a gym is a gym.. but ughh..

So it's been two days. No workout.. someone help me get my head out of my ass and back into the gym!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Where have you been? And what's next?!

It's been a long while since I updated but that doesn't mean I've been slacking. In fact, I less time to update because of the gym and my new routine..

I enrolled the boys in the co-op program that they offer on base. It's pretty sweet. You bring the boys mon,wed,fr 9-11 and tues,thurs,11-1. Imstead of paying for day care, you volunteer your time watching the kids while other people work out. You are recommended to do three days a month and you only have to do two hours a day. It's an awesome set up, so I've been taking advantage of it since December.. the boys do well with it too!

January 6th, 2009, I made it my New Years resolution to start running to lose weight. I made my goal, 120lbs by September of 2009 (That totally didn't happen. I think in September I was around 130lbs) After I didn't reach that goal, I decided to keep running and working out to get toned. Here's the post: My very first!

As of today, January 7th 2010, I weigh in at,(on the scale with all my clothes and shoes on.). drum roll pleasssseee..127.4! So it's not 120.. but I'm happy at this weight. 125 would be better and I will get there.. but, right now,I'm fine with that weight. I feel great about myself.. and am proud of the fact that I stuck in there a whole year!

Speaking of 2009, here is a quick re-cap of what I accomplished:

In May, I ran my first 5k! I did it in under 30 minutes which was my goal.

I ran a 5k each in September,October, and my last was in November.. my best time was :26:57 (or something like that..)

I suffered a hip injury which I started going to physical therapy for in December. I wasn't permitted to run while I was trying to heal with PT so, I took up the gym and cross trained..

I ditched PT (bad idea) and started running again(bad idea) my hip is still bad, but I'll manage. I've been going to the gym on base and love it! Running a little less.. but I'm still able to bike, do the eliptical, and almost everything else.. when I run, I wont let myself run less than a mile.. but I still don't push it..

And thats about it for the quick 2009 re-cap...

                                        Aaron just bought these babies for me: So far, so good. 

So, what's next? I normally like to have some kind of competition lined up to keep me motivated.. but the only thing I have(so far) is this stair climb for Cystic Fibrosis..:

 This isn't until March..

When I am able to run more, I want to train for a half marathon. My goal of 2010 will be to complete a half marathon.. 

And that's my little update.