Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So I've been sick. Which means, no workout cause I don't want to bring my  nasty to the gym. Mainly because it's already hard to breath in there in the first place without having a headcold. Not to mention, the gym was probably where I caught this sucker in the first place. AND, I dont want to get anyone else sick.

Anyway, Ive been out of commission for over a week now and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I did manange to push myself out the door yesterday morning to go for a 2 mile run around the neighborhood. But that was the most pathetic run I've ever taken. I wouldn't even call it a run, really. It was more like a shuffle. And I was weezing and coughing the whole time. I even carried a tissue with me cause I knew Id have to blow my nose on the way.

I thought that maybe getting out in the sunshine would make me feel better. You know, the whole fresh air thing.. but it didnt. I feel worse this afternoon. I even took a nap on the couch this morning. I keep thinking that this has to get better - head colds dont last for weeks, do they? What if I have the Flu? I've never even had that before so I have no idea if I do or not. (note to self: Google "flu symptoms") I was pretty achy the other day. I couldn't even let my kids touch me cause it felt like I had bruises all over my body..

But enough complaining. There is an Oktober Fest 5k on the 23rd and I'm on the fence about running it. I know that I should since I havent ran an actual race since April, but part of me is just to lazy.

Aaron says he'll run with me and push the boys in the stroller. I guess that would be kinda fun. Obviously we woudln't be running for time though.. cause eveyone knows pushing a stroller and running is kinda hard. (atleast I think it is!)  But it's like a big festival and it looks like fun. Might be worth it to get back into the running thing again instead of being a gym rat all the time. Really, there is nothing like running. The feeling. Just going out there in Mother Nature with your thoughts and your sneakers..

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