Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turkey Trot

Phew, I havent updated in a long time!

I ran a local Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. 16 of my realitives on my Fathers side ran it.. Including my 72 year old Grandfather (who made it in under 45 minutes!) It was SO much fun! I mean, seriously, I have never had so much fun at a race..

To begin with, there was over 3,000 people there to run/walk it. It was insane! It took us almost 4 minutes from the time they said, "go" til we actually ran across the start line.

I ran a decent race. Still not my fastest but my goal was to beat all the females in my family (which I did, thank you, thank you.) But my Father beat me AGAIN! Some day, I WILL whoop that man in a race. Lol..

Official time: 27:23.

Pictures to follow.

Next on my list:
Climb Albany Stair climb in April
And hopefully some 5k's inbetween but it's real hard to find them in upstate NY this time of year..

Aaron has a half marathon on the 13th and thats about it for him.. Oh! But he's totally training for a half IRON MAN! (if he's not deployed) We're super psyched about that!

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